Tournament Guru Events
Quality You Can Count On. Experience You Can Trust.

Age Groups: BU8-BU19
Tuition: 7v7 = $225, 9v9 = $275, 11v11 = $335
Location: Missouri Soccer Park
Format: 2 games
(3 game option also available. Contact for details)
Registration Deadline: February 4
This event is open to all competitive BOYS teams age U8-U19 with current USYS or US Club certification. USSSA and other certifying entities are eligible to participate but may be subject to additional screening. All games played between 10:30am - 5:30pm to accommodate for commute time. U8-U10 will play 7v7, U11-U12 will play 9v9, and U13+ will play 11v11. 'Gold, Silver, and Bronze' divisions will be offered depending on availability and demand. Appropriate bracketing accommodations will be provided for all in an effort to get all teams 2 highly competitive games. All teams will play two games separated by a 1-2 game rest period.
**Option for a 3 games exists. Teams wishing to play on BOTH Saturday and Sunday (3 total games) contact event staff **
7v7 = 25 minute halves
9v9 = 30 minute halves
U13-15 = 30 minute halves
U16-19 = 35-40 minute halves
Example Event Schedule:
Drive In
11am-12:20pm Game #1 vs. Out of Market Opponent #1
75min-100min Rest Time
2pm-3:20pm Game #2 vs. Out of Market Opponent #2
Drive Home
Application Deadline: February 4, 2021
Application Fee Paid By: February 5, 2021
Accepted Teams Notified: February 6, 2021
Brackets Posted: February 6, 2021
Schedule Posted: February 8, 2021
Application Fee Paid By: February 5, 2021
Checks: Made payable to Tournament Guru LLC.
Mailed to:
5800 Highlands Plaza Dr.
St. Louis, MO. 63110
Be sure to include team name and event date on the memo line
Tournament Director: Franco Carotenuto
Email: Director@tournamentgurus.com
Phone: 480-889-4628
Facility Director: Jimi Barbarotta
Referee Assignor: William Brooks
Email: morefereeassignor@moyouthsoccer.org
As with any outdoor sporting event, weather is always an item of great concern. Our weather guidelines are aligned with those suggested/used by USSF and MYSA. All games will be played on state of the art synthetic turf fields which allows us to play even through heavy rain. However, game stoppage can occur due to hazardous conditions such as lightning or temperature levels. Weather updates / adjustments will be sent via email/text messages through your GotSoccer account.
Adjustments made to games due to weather are at the discretion of the tournament committee (comprised of Tournament Director, Event Executive Staff, and Young Athlete Center's ATC staff). It is our intention to provide a fun, playable, safe environment for all teams participating to get the competition they have come in search of.
• Games could be delayed or shortened.
• Games played until/beyond halftime can be considered final at the moment stopped if necessary.
• U14 and younger divisions, adjustments/cancellations will be made when expected game time temperature is 18 degrees cold index with windchill or 106 degrees heat index. For games played in U15 and older divisions, adjustments/cancellations will be made when expected game time temperature is 14 degrees cold index with windchill or 106 degrees heat index.
• Any additional changes to the schedule deemed necessary by the Tournament Committee will be exercised with as much notice as possible for all teams involved.